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ROGERS Robert a:in robert|k:0029 (11)



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    Author: ROGERS (Robert)


    NA3 Rog ROGERS (Robert), Colonel. A Concise account of North America...To which is subjoizied an accouht of the severs]. nations and tribes of Indians residing in those parts, etc. London, 1765. A xerographic reprint of the copy in the British Museum. [Another Copy.] Negative microfilm. ,

    Card ID: 280

  • card

    Author: BLAKE (Robert Rogers)


    BLAKE (Robert Rogers) and RAMSEY. (Glenn Virgil). Perception: an approach to personality. [By various authors. Editedj by R.R.Blake and G.V.Ramsey, .2. [Vith bibliographies.) pp. viii. + 442, 1ates, digrams and charts. 8°. New York, 1951.

    Card ID: 321

  • card

    Author: ROGERS (Robert Samuel)


    ‘LVj ROGERS (Robert Samuel). Studies in the reign of Tiberius: some imperial virtues of Tiberius and Drusus Julius Caesar. [With a bibliography.) pp. ix. + 181 Portrait and plate. 80. Baltimore, 19+3.

    Card ID: 145

  • card

    Author: ROGERS (Robert William)


    ROGERS (Robert William). Cuneiform parallels to the Old. Teatanient. Translated and edited by i. W. Rogers. [With a bibliography.] pp. ii. + 56’?. Plates, itjp and. folded tab1. [E.C.] 8°. don, [1912.]

    Card ID: 147

  • card

    Author: ROGERS (Robert William)


    ROGERS (Robert William). A History of ancient Persia from its earliest beginnings to the death of Alexander the Gret...With illu.strations and maps. pp. xv. + 393. 8°. 1ew York and I,andon, 1929.

    Card ID: 148

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    Author: ROGERS (Vincent Robert)


    ROGERS (Vincent Robert). A Sourcebook for social studies. Edited by V.R.Rogers. pp.469. New Yorkj and London, 1969.

    Card ID: 186

  • card

    Author: ROGERS (Robert Samuel)


    ROGERS (Robert Samuel). Studies in the reign of Tiberius: some imperial virtues of Tiberius and Drusus Julius Caesar. [With a bibliography.) pp. ix. + 181. Portrait and plate. 8°. a1timore, l9Lt.3.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: ROGERS (Robert Sauniel)


    ROGERS (Robert Sauniel). AUGUSTUS (Caius J.CO.), Enperor of Rome. Caesaris Augusti Res gestae et fragmenta. With introduction, notes, and vocabulary by R.S.Rogers, K.Scott and M.M.Ward. New York, 1935.

    Card ID: 282

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    Author: ROGERS (Robert William)


    ROGERS (Robert William). Cimeiform parallels to the Old. Tetarnent. Translated and. edited by R. W. Rogers. [With a bibliography.] pp. ii. + 567. Plates, ap and folded table. [B.C.] 8°. London, [1912.]

    Card ID: 283

  • card

    Author: ROGERS (Robert Wi11imi)


    ROGERS (Robert Wi11imi) A Hiatory of anoient persia from itB earliest beginnings to the d.eath of Alexander the reat.,.With illustrations and. maps. pp. xv. + 393. 8°. ew York and London, 1929.

    Card ID: 284

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    Author: ROGERS (Vincent Robert)


    tOil, ROGERS (Vincent Robert). A Sourcebook for social studies Edited by V.R.Rogers. pp.469. New York) and London, 1969.

    Card ID: 322