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ROCHE Paul will (paul) (6)
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MOTIER, Marieseph Paul Roche Yves Gilbert
BARRAS, Paul Pançois Jeax icholas de
No Author available
COOK, John Wesley and KLO’rz, Heinrich
Author: ROCHE (Paul)
$S LA—ROCHE (Paul). Charakteristik des Polybius. pp. 104. [G.G.] 8. Leipzig, 1857.
Card ID: 280
Author: MOTIER (Marieseph Paul Roche Yves Gilbert)
_4 F DU MOTIER (Marieseph Paul Roche Yves Gilbert), Mai:gu&s Fayette. See SICEEL (Edith). The Household of the Lafayettes. Iondon, 1910.
Card ID: 41
Author: MEYER (Paul)
MEYER (Paul), fesor at the co1e des Chartes. See PARIS. Soci4t4 des Anciens Textes Fran?ais. Doon de La Roche: chaEson de geste. Publid par P. Meyer, etc. Paris, 1921.
Card ID: 301
Author: BARRAS (Paul Pançois Jeax2 icholas de)
NSO BARRAS (Paul Pançois Jeax2 icholas de), Count. Memoirs of Barras, Member of the Directorate. Edited, with a genera]. introduction, prefaces and appendices, by C. Duruy. Translated by Charles E. Roche. Flith...portraits.. .facsimil and...plans, etc. 4 vols. [L.I.J 8°. London, 1895—96. Vol.1, The Ancient Rime. The Revolution. Vol.2; The Directorate up to the 18th Pructidor. Vol.3, The Directorate from the 18th Fructidor to the 18th Bruiziaire. Vol.4, The Consulate, The ]npire, The Resoraton. Analytical index.
Card ID: 133
Author: No Author available
BONN. Rheinische Friedrich—WiThelms Universitt. Romanisobes Seminar. Romanistische Versuche und Vorarbeiten. [Continued.] 21. HEGER (Henrik). Die Me1ancho1iebei den franz6sischen Lyrikern des Spatmittelalters. 1967. 22. ROEER (Paul). Molieres “Amphitryon’1 unci sein gesellschaftlicher Hinterrund. 1967. - 24. ROCH] (Jean), 1Ti3toj Die Deutschen im brasilianichen Schrjfttum. Beitrage von J. Roche, D.Woll, H.Bayer. 1968. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 219
Author: COOK (John Wesley) and KLO’rz (Heinrich)
33 VBbU Coo COOK (John Wesley) and KLO’rz (Heinrich). Conversations with architects: Philip Johnson, Kevin Roche, Paul Rudolph, Bertrand Goldberg, ttrris Lapidus, Louis Kahn,Charles Moore, Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown. Dy John W. Cook and Heinrich Klotz. Foreword by Vincent Scully. pp.272. Illus. London, 1973.
Card ID: 170