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ROBSON Robert a:in robert|k:0029 (3)
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ROBSON, Robert
ROBSON, Edward Robert
Author: ROBSON (Robert)
ROBSON (Robert), Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. The Attorney in eighteenth—century England. [With a bibliography.] (Cambridge StudieB in English Legal HistD.) pp. xii. + 182. 8. Oambridç, 1959.
Card ID: 135
‘JUL) i2LL ROBSON (Robert), Ph.D. The !an—made fibres industry. pp. vii. ÷ 135. Charts and tables. 8°. London, 1958.
Card ID: 136
Author: ROBSON (Edward Robert)
JMG Rob ROBSON (Edward Robert). School architecture. . .With an introduction by Malcolm Seaborne. [A reprint of the edition of 18-71i.] (The Victorian Library.) pp. 37, ,ociv, iu. T.eicester and New York, 1972.
Card ID: 112