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ROBINSON Theodore Henry (3)
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ROBINSON, Theodore Henry
Author: ROBINSON (Theodore Henry)
ROBINSON (Theodore Henry). Palestine in goneral history (down to the fall of Nineveh), etc. 2iJ_, 1926. See LONDON. till. Miscellaneous institutions, Societies, etc.) British Aoaderr for the Prom1on or Histbricai Philosophical and Philological Studies. The Schweich Lectures on Biblical Archaeology. 1926.
Card ID: 3
PMF ROBINSON (Theodore Henry). The Poetry of the Old Testament. [Vlith a bibliography bt A.R.:Johnson.3 (Studies in Theology.) pp. 231. 80 London, l9Li7
Card ID: 4
ROBINSON (Theodore Henry). A Short comparative history, of religions. (Second edition.) [With a bibliography.] (Studies in Theology Series.) pp. xi. + 1 34. 8°. London, 1951.
Card ID: 6