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ROBINSON Charles John to (john) (6)



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    Author: ROBINSON (Charles John)


    1’ MWVV Rob ROBINSON (Charles John). A Jiistory of the castles of Heretordshire and their lords. pp. 145, xii. Plates. London and Hereford, 1869

    Card ID: 190

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    Author: PYVIE (John)


    L94z PYVIE (John). Some literary eccentrics, etc. EThomas Amory., Thomas Day, William BeckTd, Walter Savage Landor, William Hazlitt, Henry Crabb Robinson, Charles Babbage, Douglas Jerrold, George Wither, James I., Sir John Mandeville.J pp.(8) ÷ 296. Portraits. 8°. London,1906.

    Card ID: 431

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    Author: MOORE ( Sir John )


    MOORE ( Sir John ), Lieutenant-General. Moore’s Campaign in Corunna See ROBINSON (Charles Walker), Major—General. - Wellington’s campaigns: eninsu1a— Waterloo, 1808—15. Also Moore’ a Campaign of Corimna, etc, Tondpx, 1906.

    Card ID: 314

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    Author: No Author available


    YN (P.C.Zi.) DICKENS (Charles John Huffwn). [Master Humphrey’s Clock. - ppendix.) ROBINSON (Frank). Dic1ns, the schoohiaster and the clock. Washington, Co. Durham, 1971.

    Card ID: 136

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    Author: No Author available


    ..V. :‘ ROBINSON (Sir John Charles). Memoranda on fifty pictures, selected from a collection of worics of the ancient masters. With not.ioes of some Italian, Spanish, German, Flemish and Dutch painters. pp. (.) + 79. [G. G.) 8. London 1868.

    Card ID: 406

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    Author: No Author available


    CANADA. [Miscellaneous Institutions and Societies.] Classical Association of Canada. Phoenix, etc. Supplementary volume [a]. [Continued.] 5, ELIOT (Charles w.J.) Coastal demos of Attika: a study of the policy of Kleisthenes. 1962. 6. REST (John M.) Eros and Psyche studies in Plato, Plotinus and Origen. 1967. Iii 7. PHILIP (James A.) Pythagoras and early ?ythagorenism. 1966. 8. ROBINSON (Thomas More). Platos psychology. 1970. [SEE NEXT CARD)

    Card ID: 75