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ROBINSON Charles a:to charles|k:0812 (6)
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CARTER, Albert Charles Robinson
ROBINSON, charles Aeauder
ROBINSON, Charles Henry
ROBINSON, Charles John
ROBINSON, Charles Walker
Author: ROBINSON (Charles)
ROBINSON (Charles), Artist. See SHAKESPEARE (vi.) [Collected Poems.] The Songs and sonnets of William Shakespeare. Illustrated by C.Robinson. Phiiadelphia,_[J.,ondo printed, 1912].
Card ID: 177
Author: CARTER (Albert Charles Robinson)
DEPO8ITOR CARTER (Albert Charles Robinson). The Year’s art, 1896(-4947) a concise epitome of all matters relating to the arts of painting, sculpture, engraving and arcIitecture and to schools of design... Compiled by A.C.R.Carter London, i96—t948.. YRAR’S ART. - I
Card ID: 5
Author: ROBINSON (charles A1eauder)
ROBINSON (charles A1eauder). BOTSFORD (George W.) and ROBINSON (Charles A.) Hellenic history. Fourth edition. New York 1956. Fifth edition. Reviaed by Donald Icagan. New York d London, 1969.
Card ID: 183
Author: ROBINSON (Charles Henry)
EPffV ROBINSON (Charles Henry). History of Christian missions. International Theological Library.) Pp. xiv. + 553. Tab1s. 8°. Edinburg.h, 1915.
Card ID: 187
Author: ROBINSON (Charles John)
1’ MWVV Rob ROBINSON (Charles John). A Jiistory of the castles of Heretordshire and their lords. pp. 145, xii. Plates. London and Hereford, 1869
Card ID: 190
Author: ROBINSON (Charles Walker)
L DtPOS0 ROBINSON (Charles Walker), Major-nera1. Lectures on the Battles or Talavera, iusterlitz, and Gettysburg, pp. 124 + ix. 80. Yorktown, SurreyL 1870.
Card ID: 193