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ROBINSON, Benjamin
Author: ROBINSON (Benjamin)
ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbyte1an Minister. EMIYN (T.) Retnarks on a book, intitled, the Doct,rine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended, by...2r. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mrb Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. London, 1719.
Card ID: 165
ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbyterian Minister. See LAYMAN. A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, & Mr. Reynolds... With some general renarrs [sic) on their late book [on the doctrine of the Trinityj...By a Layman [S. Saunders). The second edition4 London, 1719.
Card ID: 166
ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbyterian Minister. See TONG (‘H.) The Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated & efendd. By some London ministers [W. Tong, B. Robinson, — Smith and J. Reynolds ]. London, 1719.
Card ID: 167
ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbrterian Minister. See TONG (w.) The Nature and consequences of entJiusiasm consjder’d, in some short remarks on the Dotrihe of the Blessed Trinity st.ted and defended. In a letter to Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. By a Protestant Dissenter (T. Morgan). London, 1719.
Card ID: 168