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ROBINSON Benjamin a:an benjamin|k:0478 (4)



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    Author: ROBINSON (Benjamin)


    ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbyte1an Minister. EMIYN (T.) Retnarks on a book, intitled, the Doct,rine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended, by...2r. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mrb Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. London, 1719.

    Card ID: 165

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    Author: ROBINSON (Benjamin)


    ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbyterian Minister. See LAYMAN. A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, & Mr. Reynolds... With some general renarrs [sic) on their late book [on the doctrine of the Trinityj...By a Layman [S. Saunders). The second edition4 London, 1719.

    Card ID: 166

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    Author: ROBINSON (Benjamin)


    ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbyterian Minister. See TONG (‘H.) The Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated & efendd. By some London ministers [W. Tong, B. Robinson, — Smith and J. Reynolds ]. London, 1719.

    Card ID: 167

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    Author: ROBINSON (Benjamin)


    ROBINSON (Benjamin), Presbrterian Minister. See TONG (w.) The Nature and consequences of entJiusiasm consjder’d, in some short remarks on the Dotrihe of the Blessed Trinity st.ted and defended. In a letter to Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. By a Protestant Dissenter (T. Morgan). London, 1719.

    Card ID: 168