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ROBERTS William Rb,ys as (william) (1)



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    Author: ROBERTS (William Rb,ys)


    tPLft4c’c’J ]a ROBERTS (William Rb,ys). Falernian grapes <.uvae Falernae): an inaugural address on Horace by R.S. Conway, and six short papers by aiecnbers of the Leeds and District Branch of the Classical Association [J.R. Mozley, A.C. Price, A.M. Croft, K. Piokard, G.W. Butterworthj, presented to the Association... at the general meeting held in the University of Leeds on January 4th—àth, 1917. Edited, with a postscript, by W. R. Roberts. pp. (8) + 79. 8. Cambridge printed, 1917.

    Card ID: 338