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ROBERTS Alexander a:c henry|k:c (henry) (14)



  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander)


    •q- c ROBERTS (Alexander). WACE (Henry), _f.Canjerbury, and SCHAFF (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—N..eene fathers...A new series, ii. Sulpitius Severu: (the cvorks,..Translated, with preface, and notes, by A.Roberts), etc. Grand Rapids, 1955.

    Card ID: 9

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    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander)


    4’-P ! 4 ROBERTS (Alexander), B.D. A Treatise of witchcraft, wherein sundry propositions are laid downe, plainely discouering the wickednesse of that damnable art...witb a true narration of the witchcrafts which Nary Smith...did practise...of her death and execution for the same; which was on the twelfth day of lanuarie last past. pp. (8) + So. 0 4 . Printed by N.Q[kes] for Samuel Man: London, i6i6

    Card ID: 35

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James)


    Cl S “ft j’j ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James). Ant,e—ITioene Christian Library, etc. ontinued.] 10, 2. The Writings of Origen. Txansi.ated by F. Cronibie. 2 vols. fY.—L .L.] 8. Edinburg, iS 78,72. [Another copy.] [H.C.j

    Card ID: 20

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DDNALOSOfl (James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DDNALOSOfl (James). Ante—Nicene Christian Library, etc. [Continued.] 12. See 4.

    Card ID: 22

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James). Ante—Wicene Christian Library, etc. CContinued.] 1.. See 1L

    Card ID: 28

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James). Ante-Nioene Christian Library, etc. [Continued.] 19. The Seven books of Arnobius adversus gentes. Translated by A. H. Bryce and H. Campbell. pp. xix. + 386. LD.—1.t.) 80. Edinbirizfl 1871. tAnother copy. J ()i. c. j L!EPOSf1OkY

    Card ID: 29

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (James). Ante—Nicene Christian Library, eta. COontinued.] 23 See 10.

    Card ID: 33

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    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (Sir James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (Sir James). Ante—Nicene Christian Library. Translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Edited by A.Roberts and J.Donaldson. (Additional volume, containing early Christian works discovered since the completion of the series, and selections from the Commentaries of Origen. Edited by A.Menzies.) 25 vols. 8°. Edinburgh, 1867-1903. Q_ O [Another copy.] [HC.] 8°. Edinburgh, 1868—72. Imperfect; wanting Vols. 21, 22, 24, and additional volume. SEE IEXT CARD)

    Card ID: 10

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONAI,DSON (James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONAI,DSON (James). Ante—Nioene Ohristian Library, etc. tOontinued.] 1. The Writings o the Apostolic Pathers. T.’anslated by Dr. Roberts, Dr. Donaldson and F. Crozthie. pp. viii. + 506. .-LIj 8. ouh1W19k’: :‘ [AioIher copy.] [H.C.1

    Card ID: 11

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DOflALDSO!T (James)


    [Y1 11 LRJ r::, ROBERTS (Alexander) and DOflALDSO!T (James). hnte—Nioene Oliristian Library, etc. [Oontinued.2 3. The WriUngs of Tatian and Theophilus, and the Olénientine Recognitions. Translated br B. P. Pratten, U. Dods and T. Smith. pp. (8) + 485. B—L.JJ. j SO Edinburgh;’ 1868 ‘.. tAnot,her copy. I IH.C.] 1iOR7

    Card ID: 13

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DCNALDSON (Sir James)


    PNDG ROBERTS (Alexander) and DCNALDSON (Sir James). Ante-Nicene Christian Library, etc. Qontinued.] 9. The 1ritings of Irenus. Translated by A. Roberts and W.H.Rambaut. Vol. II. (The Writings of HippoJ.ytus, Bishop of Portus. Vol. II. Fragments of writings of third century. Translated by S.D.F.Salmond.) Edinburgh, 1871. [A reprint.] [r.L.L.]c3.S [oi] Edinburgh, 1880. See IRENAEUS, S”’“bop of Lyons. (Works. — — Enplish.]

    Card ID: 19

  • card

    Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (Sir James)


    ROBERTS (Alexander) and DONALDSON (Sir James). Arite—Nicene Christian Library, etc. [Continued.j 22. See 21.

    Card ID: 32