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ROBERT Rudolph in (robert) (4)



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    Author: ROBERT (Rudolph)


    •1 ROBERT (Rudolph). Chartered ccnipanles and their role in the develojnènt of overseas trade. pp. 196. Plates. London, 1969.

    Card ID: 453

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    Author: MANN (adeusz Rudolph Robert)


    MANN (adeusz Rudolph Robert). The Biochemistry of semen, . [iIihth a bibliography.] (t4ethuen’ s Nonoaph on biochemical SuET ts. pp xiv. + 2fOt P1ate_diagrams. charts and tables. 80. London and New York, i95+.

    Card ID: 327

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    Author: COOK (John Wesley) and KLO’rz (Heinrich)


    33 VBbU Coo COOK (John Wesley) and KLO’rz (Heinrich). Conversations with architects: Philip Johnson, Kevin Roche, Paul Rudolph, Bertrand Goldberg, ttrris Lapidus, Louis Kahn,Charles Moore, Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown. Dy John W. Cook and Heinrich Klotz. Foreword by Vincent Scully. pp.272. Illus. London, 1973.

    Card ID: 170

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    Author: No Author available


    OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON SOCIAL ADHINISTRArION. Occasions]. papers on social adRninistration. [Continued1) 25. SCHAFFER (Heinz Rudolph) and (Evelyn Blanche). c Child care and the family: a study of short term admission to care. 1968. 26. BiJThYM (Zof in). Medical social work in action: l4ci , a report of a study of medical social work at Hammeramith Hospital. 1968. 27. APTE (Robert Zara). Halfway houses: a new . L,i1cj dilemma in institutional care. 1968. (Reprinted.) 1971. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 354