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ROBERT Karl a:in robert|k:0233 (6)



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    Author: ROBERT (Karl)


    C C2’ ] ROBERT (Karl), pseud [i.e. Georges MEUSNIER.] Trait pratique de 11e.nluminure de iivres d’heure, canons d’autei, images et gravures selon la nithode des anciens.. et scion les procds modernes...Troiième edition revue et augrnentCe. pp. 159 Illustrations. 80. Paris, 1898.

    Card ID: 431

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    Author: EGLOFF (Karl Johann Robert)


    L EGLOFF (Karl Johann Robert), Basela Handel und Handeispolitik von 1815— 1835, etc. [with a bibliography. Submitted to the University of Basle for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In 1929.] pp. 115. 8°. [Mt1lhauser 1930.]

    Card ID: 282

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    Author: HEIMANN (Robert Karl)


    folio 33 UARV3b Hei HEIMANN (Robert Karl). Tobacco and Americana. pp. 265. flue. New York, 1960.

    Card ID: 208

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    Author: KARL (Frederick Robert)


    1 KARL (Frederick Robert). Ca Reader’s guide to the development of the English novel.] See KARL (Frederick aobert). The Adversary literature.

    Card ID: 152

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    Author: KELLNER (Robert Karl)


    KELLNER (Robert Karl). George Crabbe und seine Stellung zu den sozialen Ergebnissen der englisohen Industrierevolution, £• [Thesis: University of G5ttingen. With a bibliography.] pp. 78. 8. G5ttinen, 1935.

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: ZUCK (Robert Karl)


    ZUCK (Robert Karl). Effects of fluorescein end jhotosenein on growth of red kidney beans. [with a biblio— raphy.) A dissertation submitted to the... (University of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. . .1943.. .Reprinted from The Botanical Gazette, Vol. 106, No. 1, September, 1944. pp. 124—129. Tables. 8°. [Chicago], 1944.

    Card ID: 192