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ROBERT Cyprien in (robert) (5)
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ROBERT, Cyprien
ROBT, Cyprien
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RANKE, Leopold von
Author: ROBERT (Cyprien)
Posrrc1o’r ROBERT (Cyprien). Les Slaves de Turquie. 3ition de l8L1L, précédêe d’une introduction nouvelle sur leur situation pendant Ct depuis ].eurs insurrections de 18L.9 1851. 2vols. [S.R.) 8°. Paris, 1852.
Card ID: 398
ROBERT (Cyprien). Die Slawen der Ttir]cei, oder die Montenegriner, Serbier, Bosniaken, Albaneeen tind Bulgaren, ihre Krfto und Mittel, ihr Streben tmd ihr i,olitischer Fortschritt. • .Aus dem FranzLS— siechen tbersetzt, errtert und berichtigt von M. Fedorovitsch. 2 vole. [0.0.] 8°. Dreeden and Leipzig, 1844.
Card ID: 399
Author: ROBT (Cyprien)
ROBT (Cyprien). Die griechisch-1awiohe Welt: rioehenind, Serbien, tfngarn, Polen und. Russland. [Signed C. Robert.] Aus der Revue deax Londes ttbersotzt. pp. 94. [G.G.) 8°. Leipzig, l84.
Card ID: 395
Author: No Author available
M .i :T ROBERT (Cyprien). The Slave provinces of Turkey. Chiefly from the French of C. Robert. With additions from other sources. See RANKE (Leopold von). The History of Servia, and the Servian revolution. With a sietch of the insurrection in Bosnia. . .Translated from the German by Mrs. A. Kerr. To which is added, The Slave provinces of Turkey, chiefly from the French of Cyprien Robert. nc1Qn, 1853.
Card ID: 397
Author: RANKE (Leopold von)
MMzr RANKE (Leopold von). The History of Servia, and the Servian revolution, With a sketch of the insurrection in Bosnia... Translated from the German by Llrs.A. Kerr. To which is added, The Slave provinces of Turkey, chiefly from the French of Cyprien Robert. (Eoi’s Standard Iibrar.) pp. xv. + 520. [s.R.. 80. Ipndon, 1853.
Card ID: 195