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ROBBINS Richard robbins (richard) (4)
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ROBBINS, Richard
ROBBINS, Michael
ROBBINS, Richard Michael
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Author: ROBBINS (Richard)
ROBBINS (Richard). Voice from the past: a Liberal manuscript. [Text of an address given in Launceston about 1900 by Richard Robbins.] pp. xvi. 8°. London, [1958].
Card ID: 257
Author: ROBBINS (Michael)
ROBBINS (Michael) See ROBBINS (Richard M.)
Card ID: 250
Author: ROBBINS (Richard Michael)
ROBBINS (Richard Michael). Middlesex parish churches. Compiled from a survey made by the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society, with an introductions by M.Robbins. pp. (80). 1955 [19%). See LONDON. [IlL) Lordori and Middlesex - Archaeological Society. Transactions, etc. Vol.18. Part.. 2.
Card ID: 258
Author: No Author available
LONDON. [III.] Institute of Economic Affairs. Occasional papers. [Continued.] LQ FOSTER (Christopher David). Lessons of Maplin: is the machinery for governmental decision— making at fault? [By] C. Foster [and others], etc. See Microfiche Cata2.oaue. 4i. FRIEDMAN (Milton). Monetary correction; a proposal tPQ.C.t) for escalator clauses to reduce the conto of ending inflation. 1974. 42. ROBBINS (Lionel Charles), Baron Robbins. Aspects ii( Rc..Z) of post—war economic policy. Fifth Wincott Memorial Lecture...? Jctober 197L. 197tF. 43. hICKS (Sir John Richard). Crisis 75..? [By) Sir John iiiEk5 [and others], etc. 1975. P U 1) [SEe NEZCT CARD.]
Card ID: 292