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RNS, Robert
Author: RNS (Robert)
B95Y 927 RNS (Robert), the Poet. LE,ctracts.] nis and the Bible: a series of paraflels to sho’I lovers of .rns the inspiration he found in the Bible, and to show lovers of the Bible how much of its spirit they ‘will find in Bums. Selected by W.D. Fisher...New and cnlrged edition. pp. 64. GlaQgow, 1927.
Card ID: 351
f YL B95a WI’ iRNS (Robert), the Poet. [Appendix.] See WILSON (John), Professor of Moral Philosophy in the university of Edinburgh and CHAMBE1 (Robert), Publisher. The Land of Burns: a series of lwids capes and. portraits, illuatrative of the life and writings of the Scottish poet. The landscapes from p,intings mad.e express.Ly for the work by D.O. Hun. The literary department by Professor Wilson and Robert Chambers. fol. Glasgow, i8lio.
Card ID: 430