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RNESS William it (william) (2)



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    Author: RNESS (William)


    Lci )_) HtRNESS (William). Letter to J.P.Kay Shu.ttleworth eonsiderin Dr. Hook’s plan for educating the people [in his letter to the Bishop of St. David’s on the means of rendering more efficient the education of the people] and suggesting another. pp. 15. 8°. Westminster, t].846] Not published. Bound ia_voume lettered: Pamiletsn 1and., Eiucational.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: HARNESS (WilLiam)


    YM 7F 870 HARNESS (WilLiam). See Ft[TFORD (iry Russell). [Letters.) The Life of l’bx’y Russeil )4tford. • .related in a selection from her letters to her friends. [,r William }rness.) Silted, by A.G. L’Estxtn€e. London, 1870.

    Card ID: 234