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RKEL CALrFORNIA a:rkel calrfornia|k:0074 (1)



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    Author: RKEL (CALrFORNIA)


    B1RKEL (CALrFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications. English studies. [Continued.] 21. SPACKS (Patricia M.) The Var±ed God: a cria1 study of Phomson’s Seasons. 199. a (TN 22. PIZER (Donald). Hamlin Garland’s early wOric and career. 196O. 23. TWAIN (Mark), eud. [i.e. Samuel Langhorne 421 CLEMENS.) [Letters and Speeches.) The Pattern for Mark Twain’s’Roughing it’; letters from Nevada by S °‘- Clemens, 1861-1862. Col— lected and lited with an introduction by F.R. ogers. 1961. SEE NEXT CARD .j

    Card ID: 194