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RITTER William Emerson a:as william|k:it (william) (2)
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RITTER, William Emerson
DARJIN, Charles Robert
Author: RITTER (William Emerson)
I DPOSITO! RITTER (William Emerson). Charles Dar,in and the gol.en rule... Compiled and edited by E.W.Bailoy, Lith a bibliography and a list of Ritter’s writings.) pp. xxi. + ÷oO. Portrait. 8°. )jashinton and iJow York. 195)+.
Card ID: 460
Author: DARJIN (Charles Robert)
DEPaSITORY DARJIN (Charles Robert). See RITTER (William Emerson). Charles Darwin and the golden rule... Compiled and edited by E.W Bailey. Washintoi and New York 195k.
Card ID: 325