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RIMBAULT Edward Francis a:francis edward|k:francis (edward) (4)



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    Author: RIMBAULT (Edward Francis)


    RIMBAULT (Edward Francis). Ancient poetical tracts of the sixteenth century, reprinted from unique copies formerly in the possession of the the late 7. Caldecott. Edited by E.F.Rimbault. London, 1842. See LONDON. [iii. Miseellaneous Institutions; Societies, I Percjjpciety. Early English poetry, etc. Vol. 6.

    Card ID: 277

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    Author: RIMBAULT (Edward Francis)


    RIMBAULT (Edward Francis). Old ballads illustrating the great frost of 1683-4 and the fair on the River Thames. Collected and edited by E.F.Rimbault. London, 1844. Se LONDON. liii. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Percy Socie Early &iglish poetry, etc. Vol. 9.

    Card ID: 280

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    Author: RIMBAULT (Edward Francis)


    RIMBAULT (Edward Francis). Soho and its associations, historical, literary & artistic. Edited from the MSS. of...E.F.Rimbault by- G.Clinch. pp. viii. + 232. Frontisec. 8°. LondQn, 1895. IMJbJ)

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: RIMBAULT (Edward Francis)


    I ScjJ RIMBAULT (Edward Francis). LONDON. [III. Misel1aneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Percy Society. Early English poetry, etc. Vol. 6. Cock Lorell’s bote. Edited by E.F.Rimbault. Follie’s anatomie, by H.Hutton. 1619. Edited by E.F.Rimbault. 1842 [-43].

    Card ID: 285