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RIES, John
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Author: RIES (John)
RIES (John). V Die Steflung von Subject und. Prdicatsverbum in He1iand,.nebst.eThemAnhang rnetrischer Excure, . Sjrassburg and London, 1880. See BRINK (Bernhard ten) and SCHERER (Wilhelm). V Quellen und. Forsehungen, Eft. 41.
Card ID: 346
Author: No Author available
BEOWULF. [Appendix.] RIES (John). Die Wortstellung un Beowulf, . - Halle—on—the—Saale, 1907.
Card ID: 398
Yc. RIES (John). Die Yortstellung im Beowuif, pp. xiv. + ai6. Diagrams and tables. 8°. ie—on—the—Saa1e, 1907. Catalogied from the wrapper.
Card ID: 347
L’’’b.: STONE (John iohard’ Nichois). ee CAMBRIDG]. Ur4 sity of Cabridge. partmt of Apr1jed_cojiomjc. Reprint.. Se-ries. 6. New. index.,o.f industrial, production... By C.1F.Carter, W.B.Reddaway, J.R.N.btorie1 &. [Cmbridgj, 1948.
Card ID: 466
ci4f- COLLYER (Adelaide Id.) See LONDON. £111.1 Royal Historical Society. Oamden ries. 2,3. The Despatched and correspondence of John, second Earl of Buckinghamshire, ambassador to the court of Catherine II. o Russia, 1762— 1765. Zdited...with an introductict Eon the diplomatic relations between England and Russia] and notes, by A.D’Arcy Collyer. London, 1900-02.
Card ID: 137
&. tct] I., £.n.a. Vox; or, newe Cr0.71 heaen of’ & tbtton there heI. . .wher€ih Sjaihes o:iibitiOt€ries to uiost Ktngdorne...of MaroAe arE vta.asca and tiuly rercrctc., uut more ?ertc1riy towards iiaaa. . .v.Ger the pie— tenceu in&tcri ol’ L2rinee Chazies with the Irifaata COLI& A1jb. Therewao is .flAJ6XCU two ietters writte: D’ ;ueeI+c ary frori I!e&ue... Tittei C))’ S.rc.I.I. Li.e: ‘John Reynolds.] . (L) + j2, L’•”i . 4°, riu LtJUfly, Ljs.rcbs ?J 1624. —[kiother EUit.jOxL.J .j. (10) + 60. jL.—s...L..: 4’. ü.’tc ?i 16k4. Lss.. siliz
Card ID: 10