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RIDLEY Nicholas a:on nicholas|k:an (nicholas) (7)



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    Author: RIDLEY (Nicholas)


    P7 RIDLEY (Nicholas), successively ishop of Rochester and of Lcrndon. The Works of Nicholas Ridley, sometime Lord Bishop of London, martyr, 1555. Edited for the Parker Society by E.Christmas. (Supp1ement.) pp. ‘xvi. -+ 343. IL.I.i 8°. pdge 1843.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: RIDLEY (Nicholas)


    RIDLEY (Nicholas), successively Bishop of Rochester ar of London. Disputa fatta ne l’uniuersita d’Oxonia adi 17. d’Aprile l’anno 1554, de la reale presenzia del corpo di Christo ne l’eucharistia, fra N. Ridleo et un gran nunero di laureati papei, . FLORTO (M. A.) flistoria de la vita e de la morte de 1’iliustris. signora Giovanna Graia, etc. — [Middleburg], 1607.

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: ROOEESTER (Nicholas)


    ROOEESTER (Nicholas) Bishop of. Se.e RIDLEY.

    Card ID: 342

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    Author: CHRISTMAS (Henry)


    Rcar CHRISTMAS (Henry). RIDLFY (Nicholas), successively Bishop of Rochester and o Lodoa. The works of Nicholas Ridley, sometime LoMishop of London, martyr, 1555. Edited for the Parker Society by H.Christmas. (Supplement.) Cambridge, 1843.

    Card ID: 106

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    Author: No Author available


    •.r LATIMER (Hugh), Bisop_!cester. RIDLEY (Nicholas), successively Bishop of Roches and of London. CertW godly, learned and comfortable conferences, betwene the two Reuerende Fathers and holye Martyrs of Christe, D.Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London, and M.Hugbe Latymer, sometynie Bysshoppe of Worcester, during the tyme of theyr emprysonnientes, [Zurich], 1556.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. Parker Spcjey. t Publications. I [Volumes In this series re fuJJy catalogued under the authors.1 1. RIDLEY (Nicholas), successively Bishoof Rochester and of London, The Works1.. H.Christjnas. 1843. 2. SANDY-S (Edwin), successively- Bishop of Woster and t’ London and Archbish of Yoik. The J.Ayre. 1841. p 3. PILKINGTON (James), Bishop of Durham. The 2. Works... dited. . .by J.Scholefield 1842. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 66

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    Author: No Author available


    (f%S.L RIDLEY (Nicholas), successively Bishot of ochest and of London. Cert godly learned, and comfortable conferences, betwene tcie two Reuerende Fathers and. holye Martyrs of Christe, D.Nicolas Rydley late Bysshoppe of London, and M.Hughe Latymer sometne Bysshoppe of Worcester, during the tyine of theyr emprysonmentes. Wherunto is added, A treatise agaynst the errour of Transubstantiation, made by the sayd Reuerende Father D.Nicolas Bydley. if. .67. 8°. [C.Froschauer: Zurichi, 1556.

    Card ID: 186