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RICHARDSON George a:on george|k:0917 (5)
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RICHARDSON, George Bôurohier
RICHARDSON, George Bourchier
RICHARDSON, George ourëhier
RICHARDSON, George Francis
Author: RICHARDSON (George)
SI Foø 4bP RICHARDSON (George), Architect. The New Vitruvius Britannicus, consisting of plans and. elevations of modern buildings... in Great J3ritain...Le Nouveau Vitrttve Britannique, etc. 2 vols in 1. Plates. la. fol. Iondon, 1B02, 08.
Card ID: 437
Author: RICHARDSON (George Bôurohier)
àEPosIT0R’ RICHARDSON (George Bôurohier), Plague and pestilence in the north of england: a chronological account of the epidemic diseases which have visited the north of Eiagiand from the eaaiest period, preceded by a sketch of the sanitary condiions of Newcastle—upon— trye in the n.dd1e and later ages. PP. )QCVii. + 50. 0 8 Nevoasle—uion—yrae, 1852.
Card ID: 438
Author: RICHARDSON (George Bourchier)
IV\LR RICHARDSON (George Bourchier). William and Elizabeth Elatob, he learned Saxonists::ta memoir. By G.B.R., i.e. G.B.Rjchardson?] [Newcastle), 18Li7. See REPRINTS. Reprints of rare tracts, Vol.5. Newcastle, 18t7. (
Card ID: 439
Author: RICHARDSON (George ourëhier)
‘wrrs RICHARDSON (George ourëhier). See LONDON. British.Assoeiation ‘or the Mvncement of Science. Visit of the British Association to Newcastle-upon—Pyne, ii6. Official handbook to Newcdstle & district.. Edited by G.B.Richurdson nd W.W. Tornjjnson. Neweustle—upon--Tyne, 1916.
Card ID: 440
Author: RICHARDSON (George Francis)
i?P RICHARDSON (George Francis). A Neglected aspect of the &iglish romantic revolt. Berkeley, 1915. See BEBKELEY (CAt1IF0RNTA). Universiof California. University of California publications in modern philology. Vol. 3. No. 3.
Card ID: 444