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RHODES Edmund Cecil a:rhodes edmund cecil|k:0744 (4)
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RHODES, Edmund Cecil
HARTOG, Sir Philip Joseph and RHODES, Edmund Cecil
Author: RHODES (Edmund Cecil)
RHODES (Edmund Cecil). On the relationship of the condition of the teeth in children to factors of health and home environment. London, 1921. See LONDON.. tIll. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, j University of LondOn. Uni’tersity colleg&partment of Applied tatistics. Francis &aiton -Laboraory f National Eugenics. tenxoirs. No. 7. j
Card ID: 136
RHODES (Edmund Cecil). Smoothing. London, 1921. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, eto.j University of London. University Co1lee. Department o1. Applied Statistics. Comouting Section. Tracts for Computers. Edited by K. Pearson No. 6.
Card ID: 138
: crV RHODES (Edmund Cecil). See HARTOG (Sir P.J.) and RHODES (E.G.) An Examination of examinations, etc. London, 193.
Card ID: 139
Author: HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph) and RHODES (Edmund Cecil)
‘ rFv 4 HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph) and RHODES (Edmund Cecil). An Examination of examinations: being a summary of investigations on the comparison of marks allotted to examination scripts by independent examiners and boards of examiners, together with a section on a viva voce examination. (International Institute Examinations Enquiry.) pp 81. Tables. 0 B . London, 1935.
Card ID: 46