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REYNOLDS John a:on john|k:0799 (10)



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    Author: REYNOLDS (John)


    REYNOLDS (John)., of Pembroke Colleges Oxford, Nonconformist Divine: - See LAYMAN. —________ A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, & Mr. Reynolds... With some general rernrrs [sic] on their late book [on the doctrine of the Trinity]...By a Layman [S. Saunders. The second edition. London, t719.

    Card ID: 465

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    Author: REYNOLDS (John)


    REYNOLDS (John), of Peibroke Co11ege oxrrd, joflQoflformist Divine. See TONG (w.) The Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated & defended. By some London ministers [w. Tong 3. Robinson, — Smith, and J. Reynoldsj. London, 1719.

    Card ID: 466

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    Author: REYNOLDS (John)


    REYNOLDS (John), of Pembroke Qo1iege. Oxford, None onf ornds Divine. 2ONG (w..) The Nature and consequences of enthusiasm in some hort remarks on Uie Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended. In a lett.r to Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. By a Protestant Dissenter [T. Morgan. London, 1719.

    Card ID: 467

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    Author: REYNOLDS (John)


    REYNOLDS (John), of Tasmania. See TASMAN (A.) The Discovery of Tasmania, 1642: selections froiti J.E.Heeres trans— lation of Tsman’s Journal, Aug.-Dec. 1642, [edited byJ. Reynolds). [HQbart, 1942].

    Card ID: 468

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    Author: GIBBONS (John Stephen Reynolds)


    GIBBONS (John Stephen Reynolds). London to Sarajevo. pp. 224. [s.R.J 8°. London, J.933 DEP&NRT

    Card ID: 414

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    Author: GULSON (John Reynolds)


    pEPO1TOflV GULSON (John Reynolds). The Philosophy o-f proof in its relation to the English law of judicial evidence.. [With a bibliography.] pp. xv. + 496. 80. London and-New York, 1905.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: REYNOLDS (John Hardwick)


    53 Pa REYNOLDS (John Hardwick). See LONDON. LIII. J Royal Geographical Society. R.G.S. Technical Series. 2. Alphabets of foreign languages. Second edition. By Lord E. Gleichen and J.H.Reynolds. London, 1933.

    Card ID: 474

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    Author: REYNOLDS (John Stewart)


    C483 Rey REYNOLDS (John Stewart). Canon Christopher of St. Aldat&s,, Oxford. pp. xxiv, l99. Plates and folded enea1ogicai table. Abin1on, 1967.

    Card ID: 480

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    Author: REYNOLDS (John Stewart)


    Rswr kc REYNOLDS (John Stewart). The Evangelicals at Oxford, 1735—1871: a. record of an unchronicled movement, ‘[With a bib1iogrphy.J pp. xi. + 212. Portraj,s. 0 8 . dr4, 1953. [A reprint.) With the record extended to 1905 by ..S. Reynolds, and an essay on Oxford evangelical theology by J.I. Packer. (he Aulsrian Series.) PP. XI, 212, 136. Biol. and ports. Abingdon, 19’75.

    Card ID: 481

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    Author: WARDALE (John Reynolds)


    -- WARDALE (John Reynolds). CAMBflIDGE. Universiby_of Caiibridge. Glare Co11eg, Clare College: letters & documents. Edited with notes by J.R.V’arda1e, etc. CanbricIge, 1903.

    Card ID: 4