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REYNOLDS Edward a:l robert|k:l (robert) (6)
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REYNOLDS, Charles Edward
REYNOLDS, Herbert Edward
Author: REYNOLDS (Edward)
REYNOLDS (Edward), Bishop of Norwich. Israels prayer in time of trouble, with Gods gracious answer therev.nto; or, an Explication of the 14th chapter of the prophet Hosea, in seven sermons preached upon so many days of solemn humiliation. 3 parts in 1 vol. 40 Printed for H.Cripos, and LFarnham: London, i65. our witji: A Treatise of he iassions.
Card ID: 380
REYNOLDS (Edward), B1sh of Norwich. Three treatises of tie vanity of the creature, the sinfulnesse of sinne, the life of Christ. Being the substance of severall sermons preached at Lincoins Inne...The second editions revised and corrected by the author. pp. (16) + 535. [D.—L.L.} )4O printed by F. Kyngston for R. Bostocke: Iondon, 1&32. “The Sinfuiflesse of sinne” arid ‘The Life of Christ” hve sparate t1tpgçs dated 1631 and 1632 respectively.
Card ID: 381
C & L- U (0 REYNOLDS (Edward), Bishp of norwich. A Treatise of the passions and faculties of the soul of man, with the several dignities and corruptions thereunto belonging1 pp. (2o) + 553 [or rather 495J. 4. Printed for Robert Bostock: toiion, 1656 With a second title—page bearIng the imprint: London. printed for Henry CriDps, and Edward Farnham, 165, The a&ination is very irregular.
Card ID: 382
REYNOLDS (Edward), M.D. Hints to students on the use of the eyes. Edinburgh, 1835. .2& STUDENTS. The Students’ cabinet library of useful tracts. Vol. I, No. 1.
Card ID: 384
Author: REYNOLDS (Charles Edward)
EPOSIO REYNOLDS (Charles Edward). Concrete construction: a practical treatise on all branches of plain ar reinforced concrete construction. (Concrete Series.) pp. viii. + 510. Illustrations, diagrrns and tables. 0 8 . London, [1938].
Card ID: 378
Author: REYNOLDS (Herbert Edward)
- REYNOLDS (Herbert Edward). Ic Wells Cathedral: its foundation, constitutional history and statutes. Illustrated from various records: Nathaniel Chylets History, circa 1680; Ordinale et statuta, Lambeth MS. ?29; Liber Ruber, and other MSS. Edited Iwith an introduction and a prefacej by H.E.. Reynolds.) pp. (6) + cxcviii. ÷ 27 + (16). Plates, illustrations and folded table. fri. Wells, [Leeds printed],1881
Card ID: 451