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RERESBY Sir John to (john) (2)



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    Author: RERESBY (Sir John)


    MvP RERESBY (Sir John), 2nd Bar t. The f4emoirs of the Honourable Sir John Reresby, Bart.,, and last G-overnor of York. • .From the Restoration to the Revolution inclusively, etc. pp. 31+9 + (17). 0 8. London 1735. From the library of Sir Hans Sloane. wii his bookplate and his s1giature on the titlepage.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: No Author available


    Rei R.ERSBY (j Job), 2nd Br1. The Aenioirs of the Honorable Sir John Reresby, Baronet, snd 195t Governor of York from the Restoration to the Revolution inclusively. pp. 198. L.P. 4°. London, 1734.

    Card ID: 146