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RENOU Louis a:a louis|k:in (louis) (3)
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RENOU, Louis
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Author: RENOU (Louis)
{j RENOU (Louis). Gramtnaire de la langue v4dique, etc. [With a bibliography.1 (Collection “s_Lan du Mond&1, 9.) pp. 454. 8°. Ions and Paris, 1952.
Card ID: 554
Author: No Author available
rprc RENOU—(Louis). Religions of ancient India. (School of Orien1 and African Studies. Univrsit of London. Jzdan Lectures in Qom2arative Heligion, 1) pp. ix. + 139. 8°. Lcdon, 1953.
Card ID: 556
LQDO. University of _London. SChQD1 of Oriental and African Studies. Jordan lectures in comparative religion. TVoiumes in this series are fully catalogued under the autiiors:] erc 1. RENOU (Louis). Religions of ancient India. 1953. 2. DAUBE (David). The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism. 1956. 3. LEVY (Paul). Professor at the Sorbonne. Buddhism: a “Mystery religion”? 1957. NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 471