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RENDER Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (2)



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    Author: RENDER (Joseph)


    €D&MTIS tIdR! FEC CLt’ RENDER (Joseph). A Lecture on persecution delivered in... Hull, April 7th, 1856. pp. 32. 12°. Hull printed, [1856]. Bound in a volume lettered: Pamphlets.

    Card ID: 405

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    Author: BESS (Joseph)


    BESS (Joseph). A Full answer to the country parson’s plea against the Qiakers Tythe-bill...By the author [J. Besse] o the replication to the country parsonspapers and plea, etc. London, 1736. See ENGLAID. •Par1ianient. Bills. Chronological Series. [1736. March 17.] A Bill to enlarge and render !rrore effectual the.1aws...,for the,..recGvery of tythes, etc. —The Country parsons plea against the Quaker- 411 4-’r tythes, etc.

    Card ID: 179