REMPL (Wjdo)
REMPL (Wjdo).
“In onor della fenice ibera”. Uber die “Essequie poeticlie di Lope de Vega’ Venedi 1636 Lattributed on its titlepage to the editorship of Fabio Franchi], nebat einer kommentierten Ausgabe der ‘Orazione del Cavallier Marino” und des “Ragguaglio di Parnaso”Lin wtiich the editorship of the collection and authorship of the “Ragguaglio’ are attributed to Juan Antonio de Vera y Figueroa, Count de la Rocu, using the pseudonym Franchi, and the authorship of the “Orazione” to Alessio Pulci. With a bibliography.] (Analecta F.onisnicaEeihefte zuden roxnanischen Forscbunren, 13.) pp. 183. Faosiii1e titlepae.
8°. Frankfurt, 1964.
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