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REISS Hans Siegbert a:t hans|k:a (hans) (1)
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REISS, Hans Siegbert
Author: REISS (Hans Siegbert)
REISS (Hans Siegbert). The Political thought of the German romantics, 1793—1815. (Passages from Fichte, Novalis, Ad MIJJ.ler and Schleiermacher translated and passages from Savigny, adapted from the translation of Abraham Heyard, by H.S.Reiss and P.Brown.) Edited with an introduction by H.S.Reiss. Iwith bibliographies.] (Biackwell’ s political texts.) pp. vii. + 211. 8°. cxford, 1955. ORT IL ii rade biowgnj of a copy for ele t to rnfog the
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