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REISC Gregorius a:p •|k:p (will) (1)



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    Author: REISC (Gregorius)


    [7 REISC (Gregorius). )aargarita philosophica, . [Continued.J The main works.4ated ‘Nono kaledasFebruarias’, (sig. kLbut at the ed of the appended chapter nTorciueturn (sig. Lbversojis the follow— ing note — ‘Corupletum est hoc gps...decimo quarto kajendas Arilis’, 5lj the last chapters undated. Wanting a four—wind—head map of the_wqrld from tg main work, and _from the App end ix a large folded sheet sgned P, which is equivalent to six leve, with fivpages of text on one side and a_rg mj on the other. Top edge cropped.

    Card ID: 330