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REILLY Bernard a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (3)
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REILLY, Bernard
REILLY, Sir Bernard Rawdon
Author: REILLY (Bernard)
f NA)I Ore O’REILLY (Bernard). Greenlend, the a&jacent seas and the North-West passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis’s Strait, during the sutnmer of 1817, etc. pp. vi. + 293. Plates and maps. °. London, i8i8.
Card ID: 442
3oSi7’f O’REILLY (Bernard), Life of Leo XIII., from an authent,io memoir, furnished by his order, writt,en with the enoouragernent., appxobation and blessing of His. Ho]iness the Pope pp. 603. Portraits and illustrations. [L. I.] . JJOfll.4.L
Card ID: 443
Author: REILLY (Sir Bernard Rawdon)
REILLY (Sir Bernard Rawdon), K.C.M.G. Aden and the Yenien. pp. v. + 82. Plates and folded map. 8°. london, 1960.
Card ID: 6