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REID Thomas a:reid thomas|k:0739 (7)



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    Author: REID (Thomas)


    I ‘flh) REID (Thomas), 0.0. [Works.] the Works of Thomas Reid, D.D.,now fully ‘J collected with selections from his unpublished letters. Preface, notes and supplementary dissertations by Sir W. Hamilton, Eart. Prefixed, Stewart’s account of the life and writings of Reid, with notes by the editor. Copious indices subjoined. Second edition. pp. (‘U + x. + 914. IDe Iv!.) 8. Edinbug, and London, 1849.

    Card ID: 518

  • card

    Author: REID (Thomas)


    4- G•’ REID (Thomas), D.D. [Sma.1er Co].iections.J Essays on the powers of the human mind. [i.e. “Essays on the intellectual powers of man” and. “Essaya on the active powers of man”.] 3 vols. Portrait. [G.G,.] 80. Ediiabur, 1808.

    Card ID: 519

  • card

    Author: REID (Thomas)


    f66AcR R36L 971 REID (Thomas), D.D. Essays on the intellectual powers of man. 1785. (Reproced from a copy in the Brotherton Library, University of leeds.) pp. xii, 766. Scolar Press: Menston, [1971).

    Card ID: 521

  • card

    Author: REID (Thomas)


    Porteus Library O REID (Thomas), .D. [Inquiry into the huLan mind.-Appendix.) PRIESTLEY (Joseph), LL.D. An Examination of Dr.Reid’s Inquiry into the human mind on the principles of common sense, etc. London, 1774.

    Card ID: 522

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    Author: REID (Thomas)


    t4FCROFILM COPY FOR REFERENCE ONLY REID (Thomas), D.D. MRsât (Donald K.) The Restoration of logic in Thomas Reid, . Chicago, 1948.

    Card ID: 523

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    Author: REID (George Thomas)


    DEPOSfY REID (George Thomas). The Origin and development of publio adniinistration in hg1and. pp. xxii. + 195. 8°. Loridcn, 1913.

    Card ID: 446

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    Author: REID (Thomas Bertram Waflace)


    \‘3 (P REID (Thomas Bertram Waflace), Historical philology and linguistic science... An inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 10 November 1959. pp. 26. 80. Oxford, 1960.

    Card ID: 526