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REID, John
REID, John Cowle
REID, John Cowie
REID, John Kelnian Sutherland
REID, John Keirnan Sutherland
REID, John Macair
REID, Sii Alexaxider John Forsyth
Author: REID (John)
t REID (John). A Chapter in the chemistry of essential oils0 Lond.on, l936. See LONDON. [iii. lgtiscellaneou.s Iflstititions, Societies, etc.] Roa1 Institite àf Chemis try. ‘
Card ID: 516
DEPOSITOiY REID (John), Chandos Professor of Anatomy and Medicine in the. University bf St. Andrews. Physiological, anatomical and pathological researches. pp. viii. + 659. Plates and tables. °. Edinburgh and London, 1848.
Card ID: 478
Author: REID (John Cowle)
L9e Rei REID (John Cowle). Bzcks and bruisers: Pierce Egan end. Regency Englaxid. pp. xiii, 253. Bibi. and plates. London, 1971.
Card ID: 482
Author: REID (John Cowie)
yw (R() REID (John Cowie). The Iidden world of Chrle Dickens. The 1acmillan Brown Lectures, 1961. LWith a bibliography.) (University of Auckland. ulletin, 61. English Series, 10.) pp. 47. 8°. [Auckland), 1962.
Card ID: 485
REID (John Cowie). Thomas Hood. [With a bibliography.j pp. vii. + 286. Portraits. 8°. London, 1963. 47Lc.
Card ID: 486
Author: REID (John Kelnian Sutherland)
PMi REID (John Kelnian Sutherland). The Authority of Scripture: a sttiy o± the Reformation and post—Reformation wider- standing of the Bible. pp. 286. 8°. London, 1957.
Card ID: 488
Author: REID (John Keirnan Sutherland)
PoU REID (John Keirnan Sutherland). Presbyterians and unity. [With bibliographical references.] (Star Books on Reunion.) pp. ix. + 99. 8°. London and New York, 1962.
Card ID: 489
PTCJ) ci 6E 954 REID (John Kelnian Sutherland). See CALVII (Jean). [Smaller Collections.] Theological treatises. Translated with introductions and notes by J.K.S.Reid. 8°. London, 1954.
Card ID: 490
Author: REID (John Macair)
Malcolm Morley Collection REID (John Macair). Scottish one-act plays. Edited by J.14.Beid, . 1935.
Card ID: 492
Author: REID (Sii Alexaxider John Forsyth)
• r bPcsIToRY REID (Sii Alexaxider John Forsyth). The Rev. Alexander John Forsyth,...l?68—1843, and his invention of the peroussion look... Prom information oolleoted mostly by rniss M.P. Reid. p. 32. Portraits arid illus trations . LL.I.J 50 berdeen 1909.
Card ID: 393