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REED Isaac a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (6)
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REED, Isaac
Author: REED (Isaac)
REED (Isaac). Isaac Reed dIarIes, 1762—1804. EdIted by C.E.Jones. (UnIversIty of CalIfornIa PublIcatIons In En1Ish, 10.) pp. I±II. + 4. PortraIt and tables. 80. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1946.
Card ID: 236
Ct L’ REED (Isaac). BAKER (DavId Erskjne) BIographIa’ dramatIca; or, a CompanIon to the playhouse, contaInIng hIstorIcal and crItIcal memoIrs, and orIgInal anecdotes, of BrItIsh and IrIsh dramatIc wrIters,..A2so, an alphabetIcal account, and chronologIcal lIsts, of theIr works...together wIth an Introductory vIew of the rIse and progress of the BrItIsh stage. OrIgInally compIled to the year 1764 b D.E.Baker, contInued thence to 1782 by I.Reed and brought down to the end of November 1811... by S.Jones. 8°. London, 1812.
Card ID: 237
w2Lj 0 REED (Isaac). See MIDDLETON (Thomas), DramatIst. [The WItch.] A TragI—coomodIe, called The rItoh; long sInce acted by HIs Mat es servants at the Black—FrIers. [EdIted by I.Reed or GSteevens.j flondon, prIvately prInted, 1778.]
Card ID: 239
A (fJj REED (Isaac). See SEYMOUR (E. H.) Reznarks, crItIcal, conjectural and explanatory, upon the plays of Shakspeare, resultIng from a col’atIon of the early copIes wIth that of Johnson and Steevens, edIted by I. Reed, etc. London, 1805.
Card ID: 240
SACON SOOIIITy REED (Isaac). See SHAKESPEARE (WIllIam). [Works.} The DramatIc works of WIllIam Shakspeare. From the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, •ç. .00 London, 1o49. —L’nott)er edItIon.j ‘ 0 8. Ir.burn and ewrk, 1855.
Card ID: 241
REED (Isaac) Q’. L%J... S SthflSFEAR (•) (Works.) The Plays of WIllIwn Shakespeare...Vhe fourth edItIon. the edItor of Dodeley’s collectIon of old plays [I.ReedJ. London, 1793. (The— fIfth edItIon. ) RevIsed and augmeIItedby-•I. Heed, . don, I8O. The sIxth edItIon, ‘ !t London, I8I3.S’I. 3
Card ID: 242