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RE, William
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Author: RE (William)
SHAXESPEtRE (William). CAppendix. — Criticisn.) JORGENSEN (Paul Alfred). Redeeming Sbakespeares words. Bjjeley and LoB Ang4es, 1962.
Card ID: 261
Author: No Author available
Theses. M.A. 19614. SA1?RE (Jean Paul)’ E TOEflUIER (Ronald william). Kierkegaard and Sartre: a comparison of the conception of freedom of two existentialist phllosophersdTypewritten thesis submitted for the degree of M.A. of the University of London in 1964.) 4°, i6b.
Card ID: 219
STUDIES IN FRLNCH LITERATURE. Studies in French literature. (Continued.] Mouton Co.: The Hague and Paris. crc Ccntfgtfl4 cfl4L06ctJ 16. BUTLER (John Davis). Jean Moreas: a critique of his poetry and ohilosophy. 1967. SCC CanPulflZ Cfl4LCctY 17. BRESKY (Dushan). The Art of Anutole France. 1969. 5W Pc4fllE coPuoCaf iS.. PERRY (Kenneth i.) The Re].zgzous sytubolisifi ot Andre Gide. 1969. ça— co,$( C44?LDSCL9 19. MANKIN (Paul A.) Precious irony: the theqtre of Jean Giraudoux. 1971. SCC Co’,ALzfCk (i4’flltOdacf 20. STARR (William Thomas). Romain Rolland: one against all. A biography. 1971. 21. HAMLET—M7PZ (Mario). La Critique littêraire tie L.2-lk Lamartine. 1979. [sn NEAT CARD.]
Card ID: 335