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RE Robert a:l robert|k:l (robert) (3)
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RE, Robert
IRT, Robert Charles and HO?rE, John Perry
Author: RE (Robert)
f L CPreJ H?RE (Robert), M.D., Profeeor of Chemistry in the University of Peyi’?eJa. xperimenta1 investiBtion of the spirit manifestetions, etc. 8. Nev Yoric, 1855.
Card ID: 385
Malcolm Morley , Collection 2 - RE (Robert). Brown and the Brahmina; or, Captain Pop and the Princess Pretty—eyes: an oriental burlesques • n.d. LACI (Thámas Mailes). Lacy’s (French’s) acting edition, 1227.
Card ID: 164
Author: IRT (Robert Charles) and HO?rE (John Perry)
-r flIRT (Robert Charles) and HO?rE (John Perry). Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of benzo— nitrile vapor....A portion of a thesis presented by R.C.Hirt in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in...Brown Uzkiversity, June, 1947. Reprinted from The Tourna1 of Chemical Physics, Vol. 16, No. 5, May, 1948. pp. 480-485. Chart and tables. 8°. [Providence, R.I.], 1948. Catalogued from the wrapper.
Card ID: 482