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RDINR Saimxel awson a:a walter|k:a (walter) (1)
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RDINR, Saimxel awson
Author: RDINR (Saimxel awson)
GiRDINR (Saimxel awson). Letter of the Council to Sir Thomas Lake relating to the proceedings of Sir Edward Coke at Oat lands and, Documents relating to Sir Walter Raleigh’s last voyage. Co2mmmicated to the Camden Miscellany by S. R. Gard.iner. pp. 6. [London], 1864. ee LONDON, Elli, Miscellaneous IntitutiOfl, Societies, etc.) Camden Society.. [lktblioation.) Old Series. 87. The Camden Miscellany. Vol. V.
Card ID: 439