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RAY John a:e john|k:an (john) (18)



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    Author: RAY (John)


    E 1 MUlRAY (John), Publisher. Albemarle Street, the Elder. SMILES (Samuel), LL.D. A Publisher and his friends: memoir and correspondence of the late John Murray, London, 1891.

    Card ID: 374

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    Author: RAY ( John)


    iItflRAY ( John), x.c.v.o, the Elder. Astarte. — Lord Byron and Lovelace. LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Roxbure Club. [publications.] 149. Lord Byron and his detractors. pp. 1—88. London, 1906.

    Card ID: 384

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    Author: RAY (John)


    -4jzj •• RAY (John), F.R.S. A Compleat coileotion of English proverbs, also the most celebrated. proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, french, Spanish, aiad other languages. [The Hebrew collected by R. Kidder.).. .With annotations.. .To which is added...a Collection of English words not generally used...Witb an account of the preparing and refining such metals and minerals as are found in En€la1. . .The third edition, augmented, etô. 2 parts in lvoJ.. - 8. London, 1737. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: RAY (John)


    -1’ r i 2 DEPOSITOPY - RAY (John), LR.S. A Compleat collection of English proverbs, etc. [Continue1 The fourth edition, augmented, 2 parts ih 1 vo].. [L.I.] * 0 8 . London, 176o.

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: RAY (John)


    ?R{Ct ‘•i RAY (John), F.R.S. Further correspondence ot John Ray. £dited by R.17.T. Gunther. London, 1928. See LONDON. [iii. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, flq.] Ray Societz. [Publications.] 114.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: RAY (John)


    RAY (John), .R.S. CDictionariolum Trilingue.] The Scottish Gaelic translation (by Edward Lhuydj of vohn Ray’s Dictioriariolum trilingue. Scottish Gaelic phrases, sayings and place-names. JEUTh (dward). Edward Lhuyd in the Scottish highlands, 169917OO, . pp. 89—18. Oxford, 1963.

    Card ID: 183

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    Author: RAY (John)


    RAY (John), F.R.S. A Handbook of pro’verbs, coinrising an entire • republication of Ray’s collection o nglish which are introduced large additions. . . collected by H .. Bohn. (Bohn’ s Refcrence Library.) pp. xvi. + 583. • 8°. London, 1893.

    Card ID: 184

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    Author: RAY (John)


    RAY (John), FJ.6. Historia plantarum, . Vols. 1—2. Illustration. fol. London, 1686—88. Imperfect; wanting vol. 3 which was published in 1704.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: RAY (John)


    I-i RAY (John), F.R.S. Miscellaneous discourses concerning the dissolution and changes of the world, . pp. (28) + 259. 8°. Jpndoi, 1692.

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: RAY (John)


    RL RAY (John), F.R.S. Miscellaneous discourses, [Continued.) (The fourth edition, corrected.) Three physico-theological discourses concerning 1. The primitive chaos and creation of the world, II. The general deluge, its causes and effects. III. The dissolution of the world and future conflagration... With practical inferences, etc0 [Edited by 4. Derham.) pp. xxxi. + Portrait d plates. 8°. London, 1732. Imfect; wanting-’‘‘ and one_plate.

    Card ID: 188

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    Author: RAY (John)


    ‘‘ RAY (John), F.R.S. Observations, topographical, moral & physiological, made in a journey through part of the Low—Countries, Germany, Italy and France. With a catalogue of plants not native of England found spontaneously growing in those parts, and their virtues. - .Whereunto is added a brief account of F.Willughby, his voyage through a great part of Spain. 2. .parts in 1 vol. Portrait, plates and diagrams. 8°. London, 1673. The “Catalo ae n_Ln. It tQjitlevage_and pagination but tP!!!J s continuous throughout.

    Card ID: 189

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    Author: RAY (John)


    Fl Ray RAY (John), .R.S. John Ray: Synopsis methodica st.irpiurn britannlcarum. EdS.tio tertla, 1’72i. Carl Linnaeu8: Flora anglica. 1751 & 1759. Facsimiles with an introduction by William T. Steam. (Te ey Society, it8.) 3 parts in 1 vol. London, 1973.

    Card ID: 190