
Search Term (count):

RAVEN Charles Earle a:it john|k:are (john) (2)



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    Author: RAVEN (Charles Earle)


    Y4- H I RAVEN (Charles Earle). See LONDON. [III.] British Museum. Department of Prints and Drawings. The American drawings of John White, 1577ā€”1590, with drawings of European and oriental subjects...Vol.1. A Catalogue raisonn and a study of the artist. With contributions by WC Sturtevant, C.E.Raven, R.A.Skelton, and I.B.Wright, etc. London and Chatel Hjll, 1964.

    Card ID: 551

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    Author: No Author available


    uLt .1 iā€™? Pr( RAVEN (Charles Earle). John Ray, naturalist: his life and works. (With a bibliography.] pp. xix. + 502. Portrait. 0 8 . Cambridge, 1942.

    Card ID: 537