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RAPHSON Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (6)
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Author: RAPHSON (Joseph)
RAPHSON (Joseph). Analysis aequationum tzniversalie, etc. [Cont.] [Another copy.] [G.G.] In this copy, the title page of De Spatio Reali, date& V?02.
Card ID: 416
CL % RAPHSON (Joseph). The History of fluxions, shewing in a compendious manner the first rise of, and various improvements made in that incomparable method. [With an extract from the Commercium Epistolicum relevant to Newton’s controversy with Leibnitz.] pp. (4) + 123,. Diagramand tables. [De M.j 0 4 . London, 17t. tAnother copy.) (L.I.] Bound with5istoria fluxionum. Pp. 37—41 arc a incorrectly 41—44.
Card ID: 420
Lz RAPHSON (Joseph). .Analysis aequationum uxiiversalis, seu. ad aequationes a].ebrriicas reso1vendas rnethodus generalis, & expedita, ex nova infinitarum serierum methodo, deducts ac demoiastrata. Editio secunda eui accessit appendix d.e infinite infinitarum serierum progressu id eguationum algebraiearum radices eliciendas. Ciii etiam a.nnexum est de.spatio reali, sue ezite infinitO conamen mathematico—metaphysiouin [16973. 2 parts in 1 vo].. [De H.] o 4 London, 1’?02. Bound with 3APHSON (J.) DemciatiodeDeo. 1710. [S 1EXT CARD.]
Card ID: 415
Author: No Author available
RAPUO! (Joseph). .2. MASERES (P.) Tracts on the roo1ution of affected. a1gebräic] equations by...Mr. Raphson’e ...niethods of approximation, etc. Itondon, 1800.
Card ID: 422
L. ‘.c’ RAPHSON (Joseph). Demonstratio de Deo, sive metIodus ad oognitionem Dei naturalem brevis ao demonstratIva. Gui accedunt Epistolae cjuaedam misce11ane. De Aniznae natura & Iznnortalitate, de veritate religionis Ghristian, de Universo, [D.M.] 4° London 1’71O. with RAPHSON (J. ‘i Analysis uationum Universa1is etc.
Card ID: 417
Ct..3 L13’ 1. RAPHSON (Joseph). Hist.oria fluxionum, sive Iractatus origineLu & progressum peregregi istius cuethodi 1revissimo compendic (et quasi synoptice> exhibens. [With an extract from the Coameroium Epistolicurn relevant to Newton’s controversy with Leibnitz. J (Traduction frariçoise des Lettres...imprimees cy—dessus en ang].ois.) pp. (4) ÷ 123 ÷ i5. DiagramØ and tables. [L.I. 0 4 . London, 1715. The French translation of’ the English extracts from the ComLuerciuin Epistolicum has a separate pagination and r [SEE NEXT CARD.j
Card ID: 418