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RAMSAY sir William Mitchell a:ramsay sir william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell)


    RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell). The Church in the Roman Empire before A.D.170... With maps and illuetrations. (Mansfield College Lectures, 1892.) pp. xv. -- 494. LL.I.j 0 8 . London, 1893. Wanting the half—title. —Fourth edition. pp. xxiii. ÷ 510. .[H.C.J London, 1895.

    Card ID: 375

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    Author: RAMSAY (sir William Mitchell)


    D2 R a RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell). Impressions of Turkey during twelve years wancerings. pp. xii. + 296. 8°. Londoi, 1897.

    Card ID: 380

  • card

    Author: RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell)


    14k RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell). The Letters to the Seven Ohurohes of Asia and their place in the plan of the Apocalypse... Second edition. pp. xix. + 446. P1ate, figiresj. tH. 0.) 8. London, 1908.

    Card ID: 381