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RAMSAY Sir William a:ramsay sir william|k:it (william) (7)
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RAMSAY, Sir William
RAMSAY, Sir William Mitchell
RAMSAY, sir William Mitchell
RAMSAY, Sir William IIitoheU
Author: RAMSAY (Sir William)
DEPOSITORY RAMSAY (Sir William), K.C.B, Experimental proofs of chemical theory for beginners. pp. xiv. + 13L. iagranis, charts and tables. 8°. London, 188L.
Card ID: 359
RAMSAY (Sir William), K.C.B and YOUNG (Sydney). Influence of change of condition from the liquid to the solid state on vapoui’ pressure... Frocn the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part 2, 1884. pp. (2) + 461— 478. 4°. [London,] 1884.
Card ID: 369
RAMSAY (Sir William), K.c.B. and QUNG (Sydney). On evaporation and dissociatiori...From the Philosophical Transactions o the Royal Society, Part 1, 1886. 2 parts. diagrams. 8. [Londonl, 1886.
Card ID: 371
Author: RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell)
RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell). The Church in the Roman Empire before A.D.170... With maps and illuetrations. (Mansfield College Lectures, 1892.) pp. xv. -- 494. LL.I.j 0 8 . London, 1893. Wanting the half—title. —Fourth edition. pp. xxiii. ÷ 510. .[H.C.J London, 1895.
Card ID: 375
Author: RAMSAY (sir William Mitchell)
D2 R a RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell). Impressions of Turkey during twelve years wancerings. pp. xii. + 296. 8°. Londoi, 1897.
Card ID: 380
14k RAMSAY (Sir William Mitchell). The Letters to the Seven Ohurohes of Asia and their place in the plan of the Apocalypse... Second edition. pp. xix. + 446. P1ate, figiresj. tH. 0.) 8. London, 1908.
Card ID: 381
Author: RAMSAY (Sir William IIitoheU)
Th3ALOt) RAMSAY (Sir William IIitoheU). St. Paul, the traveller and the Roman citizen. (L’he 1tor_gan Lectures Lor l894...and 21ansfield College Lectures, I9b.) ppJxvi.+ 694. Folded map in rocket. [L.I.] 8. London, l89. —- Fifteenth edition, enlarged. pp. xl.÷ 390. Folded map in pocket. 8. London, l95.
Card ID: 386