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RAKANTHORP Richard a:in richard|k:0740 (1)



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    Author: RAKANTHORP (Richard)


    PACC! 5OOIT Otiv çRAKANTHORP (Richard). Vigilius dormi.tans. Romes seer overseene; or, a Treatise of the fift Generall Councell held at Constantinole, anno 553. under lustinian the .trnperour, in the tiDe of Pope Vigi1irs the occasion being those tria capitula, which for iany ares troubled the whole Church, wherein is proved that the Popes apostolicall constitution and definitive sentence in matter of faith, was condemned as hereticall by the Synod, and the exceeding frauds of Cardinail Be.ronius and Binius are clearely discovered.. By-, Pt.Crakanthorp. O-us pósthumurn, pfblishêd’ and set forth by. his [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 3