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RAINOLDS John it (john) (2)
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Author: RAINOLDS (John)
RAINOLDS (John), . The Overthrow of stage—playes, by the way of controversje betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes, wherein all the reasons that can be zaade for them are notably refuted [by the iatter].1.Wherein is manifestly proved, that it not onely unlawfull to be an actor, but a beholder of those vanities. Wherevnto are added also...certaine Latine letters betwixt the said Xtaister Eanoldes and Doct. Gentiles...concerning the same matter. The second edition. pp. (8) ÷ 190 [or rather, 191]. [D • —L. L.] 0 4 . Printed by J.Lichfield. ..for E.Forrest and W. Webbe: Oxford,1629 With numerous errors in pagination. The number i6 is used_twice.
Card ID: 342
Author: No Author available
1 a BIBLE. CBic1is)tl6n.J The Holy Bible, its.. [Continued.] Bedwel].; 1 Chronicles — Ecciesiastes at Cambridge by Edward Lively, John Richardson afterwards Master of Trinity-College, Laurence Chaderton, Francis flillingham, Thomas Harrison Vice—Master of Trinity College, Roger Mjdrewes, Robert Spalding, Andrew Byng; Isaiah — Malachi At Oxford by John Harding, John Rainolds, Thomas Holland, Richard iCilby, Miles Smith afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, Richard Brett, Richard Fairciough; Matthew — Acts and Revelation at Oxford by John PerinThomas Ravis, Bishop of London, Georg Archbishop of [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 243