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R Victor a:c !ct|k:c(c) (4)
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R, Victor
R, Victor Gustave
R, Alexancire Andre Victor
Author: R (Victor)
ATTINGkR (Victor). See KNAPP (C.) Geographisohes Lexikon der Schwei... herausge6eben. . .von. . .V.Attinger1 etc. Neuohâtel, 1902—10.
Card ID: 55
J tu — STEFLL(’G UCRARY REFEEtC ONLY 6CHOLDERiR (Victor). AESOP. [EnRlish.) hsop’s Fables. S.Croxall’s trans— lation. .lith a bibliographical note by VScholderer and... facsimiles of Florentine woodctts, [Designed by B.Rogers.) Limited Editions Club: [New York, Oxford printed,) 193,
Card ID: 270
Author: R (Victor Gustave)
yo 082a Pla PLA]R (Victor Gustave). Ernest ])owson 1888-1897: remIniscences, unpiblished letters end marginalia. With a bibliograpby compiled by H. Guy Harrison. (ReprInt of the 2.911i edition.] pp i.7. New York, 1976.
Card ID: 78
Author: R (Alexancire Andre Victor)
L • SkRRAZI1 D MOTi’ERRI]R (Alexancire Andre Victor). Diotionnaire sciences mathmatiques, pures et apliiées. Par une sooi4te danciens óive de 1’co1e Polytechnique [A.L.Bobee de Ihespin, A. Barginet and A.A.V.Sarrazin de Montferrier], sousla ciireotion do A.A.V.Sarrazin de Montferrier dition. ($upp1&en, contenant articles su.r la geodesie, la trlgoIaom trie et l’astronomie, par M. le Colonel Puissant.) 3 vols. Diagrams and tables. [D.L! fol. Paris, 1838-40.
Card ID: 133