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R Roger Michael a (michael) (2)



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    Author: R (Roger Michael)


    Muj Library 1 Rid efercncc She1ve WAL)R (Roger Michael). See CASSLL AflD COMPANY, Publishers, Cassell’s Compact Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary. (Requeno diccionario Caell espa&,1-irgls, ing1s-espaiol.) Compiled by Brian Dutton, L.P. Earvey [and] Roger M. Walker. Lordon, 1969.

    Card ID: 307

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [III.] University of London. University of London historical studies. [Continued.] p1 01S4L 35. WALLER (Bruce). Bismarok at the crossroads: the roorientat ion of German foreign policy after the Congress of Berlin. 1974. 6X 36. BULLEN (Roger John). Palmerston, Guizot and the collapse of the Entente Cordiale. 1974. 0> rn v w r -i-It 37. TITE (Cohn Gerald Calder). Impeachment and Parliamentary judicature in early Stuart England. 1974. 38. HEWSON (Michael Anthony). Giles of Rome [Egidio ColonnaJ’ and the medieval theory of conception: a study of the ‘De formatione corporis humani in utero’. 1975.

    Card ID: 412