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R Nartin a:s david|k:it (david) (3)



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    Author: R (Nartin)


    ‘1 HEIDEGGI3R (Nartin). aç.. ROESSINQH (Karel H.) De Godsdienstwijsgerige problematiek in het denicen van Martin Heidegger, flen, [1956J

    Card ID: 519

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    Author: R (Nartin)


    PTAD L96A 955 LUTkR (Nartin). [Works. - Enjaish.] Luther’s Works. (General editors: J.Pelilcan and H.T.Lehntann.) [Continued.] 13. Selected Psalms. II. Edited by J.Pelikan. 1956. 14. Selected Psalms. III. J.Pelikan, editor. D.E.Poeflot, assistant editor. 1958. 15. Notes on Ecclesiastos. Lectures on the Song of Solomon. Treatise on the last uords of David. J.Pelikan, editor. Hilton C.Oswald, associate editor. 1972. i6. Lectures on Isaiah, Chapters 1—39. J.Pelikan, editor. H.C.Oswald, associate edit or. 1969. 17. Lectures on Isaiah, Chapters 40—66. B.C.Oswald, editor. Csiz NEXT CARD.1972”

    Card ID: 209

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    Author: R (Nartin)


    9A- b LUTIfR (Nartin). tCatechisinus, Kleiner.j Der Catechismus Luteri in einer kurzen und ausfUhrlichen Auslegung erklärt und mit J.iochedl. und Hochweisen Rath8 Genehinhaltung zurn öffentlichon Gebrauche herausgegeben von einem ehrwtirdigen Ministerio...Stadt Libeck. parts in I vol. Lubeck, 1774.

    Card ID: 250