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R Kenneth William as (william) (5)
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R, Kenneth William
R, James Kenneth
SHEPHARD, Ronald William
No Author available
Author: R (Kenneth William)
t 4 HECfflR (Kenneth William). Insurgency: personalities and politics of the Laft era. (Studies in History, Economics and public Law edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University, 470.) pp. 252. Bibi. New York and Lonodn, 1940.
Card ID: 5
Author: R (James Kenneth)
rf WEI Bea WEflR (James Kenneth), Viscount Weir. See READ (William Joseph). The Weir group: a centenary history...With a final chapter by the Right Hon. Viscount Weir. Research by Elizabeth McClure Thcxnson. London, 1971.
Card ID: 374
Author: SHEPHARD (Ronald William)
DEPOSI’fQ1c’c SHEPHARD (Ronald William). See ARROW (Kenneth J.) and HOFPENBERG (Marvin). A Time series analysis of interindustry demands. By K.J.Arrow and M.Hoffenberg, with the assistance of R.Markowitz and R. Shephard Amsterdam, 1959.
Card ID: 449
Author: No Author available
3. TORONTO. Royal Ontario i!useum. Division of Art and Aihaeology. Occasional paper[sl. [Continued.] r,?’• ) 7. KIDD (Kenneth E.) Brief bibliography of Ontario anthropology. By K.E.Kidd, E.S.Rogers [and] W.A.Kenyon. 196Li. 8. BOLLARD (William H) and (14.R.) Late Classic finds at Baking Pot, British Honduras. 1965. 9. BUIIARD (William R..) Stratigraphic excavations at San Estevan, Northern British Honduras. 1965. [SEE NEXT CARD]
Card ID: 92
STUDIES IN ANERICAN LITERATURE. Studies in American literature. [Continued.] 80. Mouton & Co.: The Hague a Paris, 1961k, etc.,R 4( Co.3€’ 6. GREENBAUM (Leonard). The Hound & Horn: the hist&ry of a literary quarterly. 1966. ccw j?( 7. RICHARDSON (Kenneth E.) Force and faith in the novels of William Faulkner. 1967. SC ccp dt)1 f S. LONG (Chester Clayton). The Role of Nenesis in the structure of selected play8 of Eugene O’NeiU. 1968. Sfi 9. ff[RSCH (David H.) Reality and idea in the early American novel. 1971. (SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 252