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R Gerald a:to john|k:it (john) (7)
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R, Gerald
RICHARDSON, Heniy Gerald
No Author available
TOYE, Wendy
Author: R (Gerald)
ci -ii MILLtR (Gerald). La.r LARWOOD (Jacob), pseud. Li.e. fierman Diederik Joha von SCliVIOHAVEN] and HQTThN (John Camden). LThe ]Jistory of Signboards.) English inn signs: being a revised and modernized version of History of sign— boarde. With a chapter on the modern inn sign by G.Llillar. 4. London, 191.
Card ID: 329
Author: RICHARDSON (Heniy Gerald)
‘ RICHARDSON (Heniy Gerald). /2 r LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Pipe Roll Society. [PubUcations.] New Series. 21. TheMemornda Roll for the Aichael— nas term of the first year of the reign of King John. . .With an introduction by L.Richardson. dQn, 1943.
Card ID: 458
Author: WILKINS (John)
•AkLfL WILKINS (John), Bihp of Chester. See CROWTHER (Jaies Gerald). Founders of British science: Jo ‘3ilkins,Robert Boyle, John Ray, Christophe’r Wren, Robert Booke, Isazc Newton. London, 1960.
Card ID: 337
Author: No Author available
I j ‘—: :. .4 • — HODGEI’r (Gerald Augustus John). Agrarian Engsnd in the later Middle Ages pp • 18. Bibi iogrphy. 8 1966.] See LONDON. [III.) Historical Association. Aids for teachers;series, 13.
Card ID: 297
.I l,”J r I\+’ BOYLE (Hon. Robert) See CRORTHER tJames Gerald). Founders of British science: Jcthn Wilkins, Robert Boyle, John Ray, Christopher Wren, Robert Booke, Isaac Newton. London, 1960.
Card ID: 348
Author: TOYE (Wendy)
1’ YP C78Y 973 TOYE (Wendy). See COWAPD (Sir Noel Pierce). (Selections.) Cowardy custard: the world of Nol Coward. Edited r John Hadfield. Based on the rznaid Theatre entertainment devised by Gerald FrOw, Alan Strachan and Wendy Toye. London, 1973.
Card ID: 375
LONDON. [III.] University of London. University of London historical studies. [Continued.] p1 01S4L 35. WALLER (Bruce). Bismarok at the crossroads: the roorientat ion of German foreign policy after the Congress of Berlin. 1974. 6X 36. BULLEN (Roger John). Palmerston, Guizot and the collapse of the Entente Cordiale. 1974. 0> rn v w r -i-It 37. TITE (Cohn Gerald Calder). Impeachment and Parliamentary judicature in early Stuart England. 1974. 38. HEWSON (Michael Anthony). Giles of Rome [Egidio ColonnaJ’ and the medieval theory of conception: a study of the ‘De formatione corporis humani in utero’. 1975.
Card ID: 412