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R Arthur a:by arthur|k:0357 (10)
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R, Arthur
BBB, r Ic Arthur
YLI, r Arthur Conan
E, &r Arthur Conan
HIIKS, Arthur R obert
L, r Arthur
R, Arthur liolden
PINERO, r Arthur ing
R, William Arthur
Author: R (Arthur)
XT5 Bib MtUNI1R (Arthur), See BThFCU (Kerta Lucia), Princess. Le Confesseur et potes. Avec des lettres inedites de Jean Cocteau, Marcel Proust, Robert de Monte squiou) Paul Valery et Maurice Barir i 1’abb Mugnier. Paris, [1971].
Card ID: 200
t dCkUtTZL’R (Arthur). Die klejne Komdie: fr{!the Novellen...Mit elnern Nachwort von O.P.Schinnerer. [WitI a bibliog-,’ raphy]. pp. 329 + (7). 8°. Berlin, 1932.
Card ID: 494
Author: BBB (r Ic Arthur)
BBB (r Ic Arthur). See POLL (J.u.) and BABBE1 (E.A.) New chapters in the history of Greek literature...dited by J.U. Powell and .A. Barber. Oxford, 1921—29.
Card ID: 482
Author: YLI (r Arthur Conan)
TERL!NG LIBRARY E EFEREI’!C ONLY D0YLI (r Arthur Conan). -- The Final adventures of Sherlock Holmes. A definitive text, -corrected and edited by LW. Smith. illustrated vrith a selective collation of the original. illustrations, 2 vols. 80. j.i&Ei t ions Cib: New York, 1952. No, 755 of 1500 copjes, 1. The alley of fear. With a new introductioi by A. Boucher. 2. The case—book of Sherlock Holmes. Vlith a new Introduction by C. Morley and an.epilogue by E • W. Smith.
Card ID: 377
Author: E (&r Arthur Conan)
Dep EOflE (&r Arthur Conan). See DJ1G (Friedrich). Sherlock Eolmee, I.ffles und thre Vorbilder ein Beitrag zur itwick1unga ges chichto und c!nik dr Krinxlnalerzahlurig. Heide1berg 19111..
Card ID: 407
Author: HIIKS (Arthur R obert)
‘I DEPOS1TOY HIIKS (Arthur R obert). Aetronoiny. [With a bibliography.] (Eome University Library of !Iodern Knowledge.) pp. 256. 8o. London, [1925.]
Card ID: 3
Author: L (r Arthur)
Rrj MITCIiL (r Arthur), List of travels and t.ours in scotland, 1296 to 1900...Reprinted from liol.XXXV of the “Prooeeings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland”. pp. 212. 40• dinburgh, 1902. Edition ijuiited to 125 copies.
Card ID: 448
Author: R (Arthur liolden)
DEPJTOy NATh0R (Arthur liolden). Siphon spiilways. pp. xi. + 3. ad djLrams. 8°. 1935.
Card ID: 227
Author: PINERO (r Arthur 4ing)
PINERO (r Arthur 4ing). The k’Lagistratc: a farce in three acts. p. x. + 161+. 0 8. London, 1892. Malcolm Morley —Second edition. pp. x. + 16k. Co11ecou L7g 8°. London, 169k.
Card ID: 221
Author: R (William Arthur)
i Puck-f POUCflR (William Arthur). - The Backbone of England (the Perininea.) ...9ith photograph8 by the author. pp. 208. Endpuer map. L°. Lonoon, l9L6.
Card ID: 298